Main class: GithubIntegration

class github.GithubIntegration.GithubIntegration(integration_id: int | str | None = None, private_key: str | None = None, base_url: str = '', *, timeout: int = 15, user_agent: str = 'PyGithub/Python', per_page: int = 30, verify: bool | str = True, retry: int | Retry | None = None, pool_size: int | None = None, seconds_between_requests: float | None = 0.25, seconds_between_writes: float | None = 1.0, jwt_expiry: int = 300, jwt_issued_at: int = -60, jwt_algorithm: str = 'RS256', auth: AppAuth | None = None, lazy: bool = False)

Main class to obtain tokens for a GitHub integration.

  • integration_id – int deprecated, use auth=github.Auth.AppAuth(…) instead

  • private_key – string deprecated, use auth=github.Auth.AppAuth(…) instead

  • base_url – string

  • timeout – integer

  • user_agent – string

  • per_page – int

  • verify – boolean or string

  • retry – int or urllib3.util.retry.Retry object

  • pool_size – int

  • seconds_between_requests – float

  • seconds_between_writes – float

  • jwt_expiry – int deprecated, use auth=github.Auth.AppAuth(…) instead

  • jwt_issued_at – int deprecated, use auth=github.Auth.AppAuth(…) instead

  • jwt_algorithm – string deprecated, use auth=github.Auth.AppAuth(…) instead

  • auth – authentication method

  • lazy – completable objects created from this instance are lazy, as well as completable objects created from those, and so on

withLazy(lazy: bool) → github.GithubIntegration.GithubIntegration

Create a GithubIntegration instance with identical configuration but the given lazy setting.


lazy – completable objects created from this instance are lazy, as well as completable objects created from those, and so on


new Github instance

close() → None

Close connections to the server. Alternatively, use the GithubIntegration object as a context manager:

with github.GithubIntegration(...) as gi:
  # do something
property requester

Return my Requester object.

For example, to make requests to API endpoints not yet supported by PyGitHub.

create_jwt(expiration: int | None = None) → str

Create a signed JWT

get_access_token(installation_id: int, permissions: dict[str, str] | None = None) → InstallationAuthorization

POST /app/installations/{installation_id}/access_tokens <>

get_installation(owner: str, repo: str) → github.Installation.Installation

Deprecated by get_repo_installation.

:calls:`GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/installation < installation-for-the-authenticated-app>` :calls:`GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/installation < installation-for-the-authenticated-app>`

get_installations() → github.PaginatedList.PaginatedList[github.Installation.Installation][github.Installation.Installation]

GET /app/installations <>

get_org_installation(org: str) → github.Installation.Installation

GET /orgs/{org}/installation <>

get_repo_installation(owner: str, repo: str) → github.Installation.Installation

GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/installation <>

get_user_installation(username: str) → github.Installation.Installation

GET /users/{username}/installation <>

get_app_installation(installation_id: int) → github.Installation.Installation

GET /app/installations/{installation_id} <>

get_app() → github.GithubApp.GithubApp

GET /app