
class github.AuthenticatedUser.AuthenticatedUser

This class represents AuthenticatedUsers as returned by

An AuthenticatedUser object can be created by calling get_user() on a Github object.

add_to_emails(*emails) → None
Calls:POST /user/emails
add_to_following(following: NamedUser) → None
Calls:PUT /user/following/{user}
add_to_starred(starred: Repository) → None
Calls:PUT /user/starred/{owner}/{repo}
add_to_subscriptions(subscription: Repository) → None
Calls:PUT /user/subscriptions/{owner}/{repo}
add_to_watched(watched: Repository) → None
Calls:PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/subscription
create_authorization(scopes: Opt[list[str]] = NotSet, note: Opt[str] = NotSet, note_url: Opt[str] = NotSet, client_id: Opt[str] = NotSet, client_secret: Opt[str] = NotSet, onetime_password: str | None = None) → Authorization
Calls:POST /authorizations
static create_fork(repo: Repository, name: Opt[str] = NotSet, default_branch_only: Opt[bool] = NotSet) → Repository
Calls:POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/forks
create_repo_from_template(name: str, repo: Repository, description: Opt[str] = NotSet, private: Opt[bool] = NotSet) → Repository
Calls:POST /repos/{template_owner}/{template_repo}/generate
create_gist(public: bool, files: dict[str, InputFileContent], description: Opt[str] = NotSet) → Gist
Calls:POST /gists
create_key(title: str, key: str) → UserKey

POST /user/keys

  • title – string
  • key – string
Return type:


create_project(name: str, body: Opt[str] = NotSet) → Project

POST /user/projects

  • name – string
  • body – string
Return type:


create_repo(name: str, description: Opt[str] = NotSet, homepage: Opt[str] = NotSet, private: Opt[bool] = NotSet, has_issues: Opt[bool] = NotSet, has_wiki: Opt[bool] = NotSet, has_downloads: Opt[bool] = NotSet, has_projects: Opt[bool] = NotSet, auto_init: Opt[bool] = NotSet, license_template: Opt[str] = NotSet, gitignore_template: Opt[str] = NotSet, allow_squash_merge: Opt[bool] = NotSet, allow_merge_commit: Opt[bool] = NotSet, allow_rebase_merge: Opt[bool] = NotSet, delete_branch_on_merge: Opt[bool] = NotSet) → Repository
Calls:POST /user/repos
edit(name: Union[str, github.GithubObject._NotSetType] = NotSet, email: Union[str, github.GithubObject._NotSetType] = NotSet, blog: Union[str, github.GithubObject._NotSetType] = NotSet, company: Union[str, github.GithubObject._NotSetType] = NotSet, location: Union[str, github.GithubObject._NotSetType] = NotSet, hireable: Union[bool, github.GithubObject._NotSetType] = NotSet, bio: Union[str, github.GithubObject._NotSetType] = NotSet) → None
Calls:PATCH /user
get_authorization(id: int) → Authorization
Calls:GET /authorizations/{id}
get_authorizations() → PaginatedList[Authorization]
Calls:GET /authorizations
get_emails() → list[EmailData]
Calls:GET /user/emails
get_events() → PaginatedList[Event]
Calls:GET /events
get_followers() → PaginatedList[NamedUser]
Calls:GET /user/followers
get_following() → PaginatedList[NamedUser]
Calls:GET /user/following
get_gists(since: Opt[datetime] = NotSet) → PaginatedList[Gist]
Calls:GET /gists
Parameters:since – datetime format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
Return type:PaginatedList of github.Gist.Gist
get_issues(filter: Opt[str] = NotSet, state: Opt[str] = NotSet, labels: Opt[list[Label]] = NotSet, sort: Opt[str] = NotSet, direction: Opt[str] = NotSet, since: Opt[datetime] = NotSet) → PaginatedList[Issue]
Calls:GET /issues
get_user_issues(filter: Opt[str] = NotSet, state: Opt[str] = NotSet, labels: Opt[list[Label]] = NotSet, sort: Opt[str] = NotSet, direction: Opt[str] = NotSet, since: Opt[datetime] = NotSet) → PaginatedList[Issue]
Calls:GET /user/issues
get_key(id: int) → UserKey
Calls:GET /user/keys/{id}
get_keys() → PaginatedList[UserKey]
Calls:GET /user/keys
get_notification(id: str) → Notification
Calls:GET /notifications/threads/{id}
get_notifications(all: Opt[bool] = NotSet, participating: Opt[bool] = NotSet, since: Opt[datetime] = NotSet, before: Opt[datetime] = NotSet) → PaginatedList[Notification]
Calls:GET /notifications
get_organization_events(org: Organization) → PaginatedList[Event]
Calls:GET /users/{user}/events/orgs/{org}
get_orgs() → PaginatedList[Organization]
Calls:GET /user/orgs
get_repo(name: str) → Repository
Calls:GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}
get_repos(visibility: Opt[str] = NotSet, affiliation: Opt[str] = NotSet, type: Opt[str] = NotSet, sort: Opt[str] = NotSet, direction: Opt[str] = NotSet) → PaginatedList[Repository]
Calls:GET /user/repos
get_starred() → PaginatedList[Repository]
Calls:GET /user/starred
get_starred_gists() → PaginatedList[Gist]
Calls:GET /gists/starred
get_subscriptions() → PaginatedList[Repository]
Calls:GET /user/subscriptions
get_teams() → PaginatedList[Team]
Calls:GET /user/teams
get_watched() → PaginatedList[Repository]
Calls:GET /user/subscriptions
get_installations() → PaginatedList[Installation]
Calls:GET /user/installations
has_in_following(following: NamedUser) → bool
Calls:GET /user/following/{user}
has_in_starred(starred: Repository) → bool
Calls:GET /user/starred/{owner}/{repo}
has_in_subscriptions(subscription: Repository) → bool
Calls:GET /user/subscriptions/{owner}/{repo}
has_in_watched(watched: Repository) → bool
Calls:GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/subscription
mark_notifications_as_read(last_read_at: datetime | None = None) → None
Calls:PUT /notifications
remove_from_emails(*emails) → None
Calls:DELETE /user/emails
remove_from_following(following: NamedUser) → None
Calls:DELETE /user/following/{user}
remove_from_starred(starred: Repository) → None
Calls:DELETE /user/starred/{owner}/{repo}
remove_from_subscriptions(subscription: Repository) → None
Calls:DELETE /user/subscriptions/{owner}/{repo}
remove_from_watched(watched: Repository) → None
Calls:DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/subscription
accept_invitation(invitation: Invitation | int) → None
Calls:PATCH /user/repository_invitations/{invitation_id}
get_invitations() → PaginatedList[Invitation]
Calls:GET /user/repository_invitations
create_migration(repos: list[Repository] | tuple[Repository], lock_repositories: Opt[bool] = NotSet, exclude_attachments: Opt[bool] = NotSet) → Migration
Calls:POST /user/migrations
get_migrations() → PaginatedList[Migration]
Calls:GET /user/migrations
get_organization_membership(org: str) → Membership
Calls:GET /user/memberships/orgs/{org}